Watch About 200 People Smoke a Joint at the Liberty Bell


As planned, the Panic Hour and PhillyNORML held their third Smokedown Prohibition event at Independence Mall to directly demonstrate against marijuana prohibition by openly smoking it. 4:20 came and went with a large cloud and zero confrontation between demonstrators and authorities (a Park Ranger on his bike observed the whole event). Watch here:


About Kenneth Lipp

Kenneth is a writer and researcher. He’s from Alabama, and will not apologize for it. He moved to Pennsylvania in 2012, but has been in love with Philadelphia since a late-night stroll down Ben Franklin Parkway to the Art Museum in July of 2011 with the love of his life. He is interested in telling Philadelphia’s dynamic and absolutely unique stories with the zeal of a constantly enamored newcomer. Kenneth is also passionate about government transparency and protection of whistleblowers, most notably PFC Chelsea Manning. His research and reporting on law enforcement and surveillance have been featured in various publications, including Rolling Stone (Meet the Private Companies Helping Cops Spy on Protesters) and Popular Science (Boston Tested Crowd-Watching Software That Catalogues People's Skin Color). His training is in both genetics and history and he likes the joke about being a helicase and unzipping your “genes.” He’s driven to know, and thinks you can handle, the truth. Follow him on Twitter @kennethlipp.

There are 3 comments

  1. Park Rangers Decide to Crack Down on Smokedown: ‘Flash Mob’ Is Questioned | The Declaration

    […] We headed to Old City from a dozen blocks away, mostly with the notion in mind that the smaller group a half-hour’s notice would bring out might be more likely to be engaged by Park Rangers, who along with the police had not mustered any more than cursory naked-eye surveillance from a comfortable distance. Neither had reacted yet at 4:20 on the afternoons when hundreds smoked reefer in front of the Liberty Bell, dozens of joints etc, until about 4:25. At moments of low wind this meant ignoring a discernible cloud. […]


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